School Keep Clear – Experimental Traffic Regulation Order at Whitemoor

August 26th 2021

Cornwall Council has agreed to implement a scheme seeking to improve road safety in Cornwall.  Specifically, this is to address concerns regarding obstructive parking which has been affecting pedestrian safety and driver visibility in the vicinity of schools.

It is therefore proposed to implement School Keep Clear markings (applicable to all vehicles at all times) and sections of waiting restrictions (single and double yellow lines) at various sites.  The purpose of these restrictions is to prevent vehicles from stopping or waiting in areas where pedestrian safety might be compromised due to the presence of parked vehicles.  Please refer to the drawings listed below for further details:

EDG1149_SN05 Whitemoor

To determine the overall effect of the scheme it has been decided to install these restrictions on a trial basis initially, using an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order.  This will be in force for a minimum period of 6 months during which time its effects will be monitored, and feedback assessed. If feedback suggests a change to the experiment, then this can be made.

The Experimental Traffic Regulation Order will become operational on 02nd September 2021 and it will not be possible to lodge a formal response until then.   Any responses must be made in writing.  We suggest that responses are made after the trial has been in place for a period of time to allow a considered response to be made.

At the end of the trial period, the effects of the new restrictions will be assessed, before any decision is made to make these arrangements permanent either with or without amendments, or to remove the scheme.

If you would like to submit a response (after 02nd Sep 2021) you can either:

  1. Use Cornwall Council’s Consultation Finder. This can be accessed by visiting Once registered you will be able to submit responses to this trial, and any current traffic consultations.
  2. E-mail the Engineering Design Group on, quoting the scheme name and reference, and your response to the trial.
  3. Respond in writing using the attached Response Form, including your response to the trial. Please return the form to the address shown at the foot of it.


If you wish to discuss any aspect of this scheme, please do not hesitate to contact the Engineering Design Group.


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