New Council Website Launched!

July 16th 2020

If you’re reading this then it’s likely that you are one of the first visitors to our new Council website. Welcome! We’ve partnered with SeaDog IT, a Cornwall based digital agency that has experience working with councils to build a WCAG compliant websites that work well with mobile devices and that’s easy for our clerk to keep up to date with news, meeting minutes and agendas.

There’s a useful section on planning applications local to the Parish that let’s you know what’s going on in your locale – and a News section with information relevant to the Council & the Parish.

Of course, if you’d like to suggest what other features or resources you’d like to see on the site, please let us know through our contact page.


  1. Jenny Smythe

    At last – a council website that is easy to navigate and focuses on information that’s important to local people – well done Council team!

    • Clerk

      Thank you for the feedback – we couldn’t have done it without SeaDog IT!


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