Intermediate private rented properties – 1 bed flats in Lower Meadows, St Stephen

November 28th 2018

The Parish Council have received the following information from Cornwall Housing.

“We have recently been in contact with Churchgate Developments who have some Private Intermediate Rent new build flats at Lower Meadows, St Stephen which are ready for occupation. All of the flats are level access – 2 of them have been built to Lifetime Homes standards with wider access etc. 

In accordance with the S106, we advertised the 4 flats on our Homechoice register last week.

We are in the process of allocating the two “ordinary” flats, but we were unsuccessful in allocating the two Lifetime Homes standards flats. There were people with a local connection who bid but ultimately the allocation didn’t go through. No one else on the shortlist met the S106 criteria

We intend to re-advertise the two Lifetime Standard flats this week. In this instance, due to the adapted nature of the properties, the S106 allows us to cascade to applicants with a connection to the county of Cornwall on this new advert but we have still applied a Mobility 2 label in an effort to secure a tenant that has a need for that type of property

We are keen to try to catch anyone who has primary or secondary parish connection and a mobility need if at all possible and feel that some may have missed the advert last week?

Applicants need to bid on Homechoice so they will need to have a live application and place a bid on line.”

If you are interested or have any queries, please contact Cornwall Housing.



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