Dog Fouling

October 11th 2018

Dog Fouling is a problem across the whole of the Parish – especially at this time of year with the longer darker nights and mornings.

Failing to clean up after your dog has fouled will result in a fixed penalty being issued – which is for £80 (reduced to £50 if paid within 10 days) or prosecution where if found guilty you would face a maximum fine of £1000. It is not an excuse in law that you were not aware of the fact that the dog had fouled – so you can be held responsible even if you did not see the incident, or if it is witnessed whilst the dog is straying.

To help combat the problem the Parish Council are requesting that details of any roads suffering from dog fouling are reported to the Parish Council office. Staff will then erect stickers in that area to highlight the issue and contact Cornwall Council to request that the area is cleaned.

For further information or if you witness someone failing to clean up after their dog, please report it HERE


  1. Kerran Prynne

    Hello. It is particularly bad on the public footpath at hedgerow lane. People exercise their dogs in the field. We do our best to keep the lane as clean and tidy as possible for our use however we are increasingly finding that dog fouling is getting worse. I understand that even if the lane is a private road if there is a public footpath through it it is covered by this law as well. Any stickers and notices around this area would be great

    • Office

      Kerran, I’ll arrange for staff to inspect the area and erect some stickers.

  2. Kerran Prynne

    Thank you. We have noticed some stickers at the entrance from the bottom of the lane. ☺️


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