Carloggas Community Fund - from Bluefield Solar Income Fund

What is the Carloggas Community Fund?

Bluefiels Solar Income Fund which owns and operates Carloggas Solar Farm, provides a Community Fund of approximately £8,300 a year for the lifetime of the solar farm to support local charitable causes. The fund is administered by the St Stephen in Brannel Parish Council and has already awarded over £30,000 since the solar farm was installed.

The aim of the Fund is to share some of the rewards of renewable energy by providing grants for community-based projects and services which benefit local residents.

How to Apply

Applications are invited from community groups with projects which benefit the parish of St Stephen in Brannel. Grants can range from a few hundred pounds to several thousand. There are two application closing dates each year which are detailed on the Parish Council Website. You will also find here the Application Form and the full criteria.

What projects can secure funding?Grants are available to support new or existing community-based initiatives that bring demonstrable benefit to the local area. These could include:

  • Improvements to community buildings, such as village halls, community centres.
  • Improvements to local green spaces, such as village greens or allotments.
  • Provision of new or improved local amenities, such as children’s play areas pathways.
  • Energy efficiency or renewable energy projects, such as insulation, energy efficient boilers or small scale renewable energy installations.
  • Community events or educational projects.

Some of the Grants Awarded to Date Include:

  • Tregargus Trust - Clearance of Tregargus Valley to create recreational open space and the siting of an education centre - £3,391
  • Coombe Community Trust Community Hall - New boiler and radiators - £4,070
  • Treviscoe Institute & Community Centre - Installation of renewable energy heating system - £7,500
  • Nanpean Village - Purchase and provision of a community waste bin - £367
  • Lanjeth & High Street Memorial Hall - New LED lighting and