(A pdf version of this policy is available for download here)
Winter Maintenance Policy
St Stephen in Brannel Parish Council is committed to ensuring that adequate steps are taken to keep residents safe within the Parish.
The objective of this policy is to provide the public with an overview of the Parish Council’s position and responsibilities with regard to inclement winter weather – low temperatures, ice and snow.
Gritting of Roads
The responsibility for gritting the highways is with Cornwall Council.
More details can be found at https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/transport-parking-and-streets/roads-highways-and-pavements/gritting-and-winter-maintenance/#Winter
You can view the areas that Cornwall Council will grit over the next 24 hours by using their online mapping system – https://map.cornwall.gov.uk/website/ccmap/?zoomlevel=1&xcoord=162690&ycoord=64380&wsName=salting_and_gritting&layerName=
To report urgent problems of ice or snow on the road or footway that are resulting in hazardous conditions, please telephone 0300 1234 222 (24-hour service) giving details of the location.
Salt Bins
Five (5) salt bins for community use have been purchased by the Parish Council and are filled annually (normally in October) by Cornwall Council and by the Parish Council when empty.
The bins are located in the following areas –
- Carpark, Fore Street, St Stephen
- Carpark, St Georges Rd, Nanpean
- Corner of Currian Rd, Nanpean
- Footpath, Hillhead/Stepaside junction, St Stephen
- Whitemoor Chapel, Crown Rd, Whitemoor
When St Stephen in Brannel Parish Council receive requests for additional salt bins the location, cost and need are considered by the Property & Services Committee who put a recommendation forward to the Finance & Policy Committee for the use of Community Infrastructure Levy funds.
There are currently 15 requests with Cornwall Council for the siting of additional salt bins within the Parish.
The salt bins are available for community use, to make the footpaths or roads safer in icy weather. Please only take the minimum amount that is required as there is no
guarantee when it will be safe to be refilled again.
The Parish Council does not have responsibility for gritting footpaths. Parishioners carry out gritting at their own risk and are recommend to follow the following safety advice –
- Only spread the grit when there are no vehicles or pedestrians about;
- Wear bright clothing to ensure that you can be seen easily;
- Don’t assume that the road or footway is safe just because you have spread the grit;
- Look after the environment – use the minimum grit necessary. A shovel full of grit will be sufficient for 20-30sq.m of road.
Yearly visual checks will be carried out by St Stephen in Brannel Parish Council staff to ensure that the salt bins are in a safe condition.
Parish Council Properties
St Stephen in Brannel Parish Council cannot guarantee it will be safe for staff to travel to the locations to salt the ground nor that salt will be available. Therefore, during periods of cold and icy weather, any exterior areas owned or manged by the Parish Council are used at residents own risk.
Where possible the parish council will use rock salt as a de-icing agent and recognise that pre-treatment is the most effective course of action.
The parish council will share information released by Cornwall Council indicating and giving advice on adverse weather on its social media pages.
Operational staff will take a proactive role in providing additional salt to those locations who require it whilst administration staff will take a proactive role in liaising with residents and external agencies such as Cornwall Council.
Adopted by Full Council at the meeting held on Wednesday 2nd August 2023 under minute number FPC205/23. Due for review in August 2026.