Freedom of Information Request Policy

(A pdf version of this policy is available for download here)

St Stephen in Brannel Parish Council is committed to complying with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and to publishing or making available information held by it in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Anyone can make a request – there is no age limit and you do not have to be a local resident.

Before submitting a Freedom of Information request you may find the information you need by searching our Publication Scheme which is available on our website –

If you are making an Environmental Information Request this will be handled in a similar way to a Freedom of Information request.

If you want to make a request for some information under the Freedom of Information Act, please not the following –

  • All Freedom of Information requests need to be made in writing although this can be an email, letter or even a post on the Council social media pages. You cannot make a request by telephone or by speaking to someone face to face.
  • You must provide us with the following information –
  • your name
  • a contact address (this can be an email address)
  • a detailed description of the information you require.  Please be specific and only request the information you need rather than full documents.
  • the way in which you would like to receive the information – for example, if you would like it in hard copy, would prefer to come in and view the material “in situ” or need the information provided in Braille.

We will respond within 20 working days to straightforward written requests. However, if necessary, this timescale will be extended to give full consideration to a Public Interest Test. If the deadline is not expected to be met, you will be advised of the reasons for the delay and the anticipated reply date.

Most requests are free however, you may be asked to pay for photocopying or for postage. We will contact you within 5 working days if charges or additional information is required, you will then have the option to withdraw your request.

We will apply the “appropriate limit” in the regulations. Where the cost of complying with the request exceeds this we will issue a refusal notice inviting you to refine their request.

We may not be able to release certain information due to data protection issues or where the information is sensitive or confidential. Where this is the case we will clearly set out the reasons for withholding the information.

Our aim is to be as open as possible with the information we provide, but should you feel that this has not been the case, you have a full and formal appeal process at your disposal. In the first instance, your appeal will go through the formal complaints process of the Council, which will be initiated by you contacting the Clerk.

If you remain dissatisfied, you have the right to continue your appeal by contacting the Information Commissioner’s Office at:

The Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF


[ Adopted by Full Council at the meeting held on Wednesday 10th May 2023 under minute number FPC135/23. Due for review in May 2026.]