Business Continuity Plan

(A pdf version of this policy is available for download here)


The Civil Contingencies Act 2004 places a duty on a principal authority that it is prepared, as far as reasonably practical, to continue to provide functions/services in the event of a disruption by whatever cause.

Whilst this is not a statutory duty for local councils, it is St Stephen in Brannel Parish Council’s intention to recognise the importance of producing and maintaining a Business Continuity Plan for implementation in the event of disruptions to the day to day running of the Council.

This plan identifies the instances of disruption, the immediate responses, the procedures to follow to maintain continuity of service and the follow-up procedures and necessary changes to service delivery, where such services are disrupted by factors within the Council’s area of responsibility.

Core Business of St Stephen Parish Council
The Council provides local services to its residents which includes the provision of:

  • Air Quality Monitoring
  • Allotments
  • Bus Shelters
  • Car Parks
  • CCTV
  • Cemeteries
  • Closed Churchyard
  • Commercial Premises
  • Community Hall
  • Conference Facilities
  • Events
  • Defibrillators
  • Footpaths – Local Maintenance Partnership with Cornwall Council
  • Footpaths – Ownership
  • Grant Funding
  • Highway Signage
  • Highway Verge Maintenance – Service Level Agreement with Cornwall Council
  • Litter Bins
  • Newsletter
  • Noticeboards
  • Off Road Parking
  • Public Toilets
  • Salt/Grit Bins
  • Seating
  • Street Lighting
  • Traffic Calming – Speed Indication Devices
  • War Memorials
  • Weed Spraying

There are also the following projects and possible asset transfers pending with Cornwall Council:

  • Electric Charging Points
  • Enforcement – Dog Fouling
  • Garages
  • Open Spaces
  • Play Area
  • Water Supply – Pumping Station

Potential Causes of Disruption:
Damage caused by-

  1. a) Extreme weather conditions
  2. b) Fire
  3. c) Terrorism
  4. d) Air crash

Failures to-

  1. a) Equipment
  2. b) Public services
  3. c) Property

Losses of-

  1. a) Staff (through death, illness or injury or resignation)
  2. b) Councillors (by any reason which leaves the Council inquorate)

Table of Potential Events and Mitigation  

Event Minimise Impact Immediate Action Continuity Longer Term
Loss of Clerk due to

death, sudden/

longer term illness,

incapacity or


Ensure staffing team are aware of their responsibilities.


Ensure rolling program is up to date and all key tasks are listed.


Access to log ins and passwords is available.

Assistant Clerk to assume day to day responsibilities.


Chairman and Vice Chairman to be informed.


In the event of an accident at work the Chairman and Assistant Clerk to inform the next of kin, HSE and insurance company.


Chairman to inform Council.


Call extraordinary meeting to confirm appointment of temporary cover.


Recruit temporary replacement (locum).


Seek and employ permanent Clerk.

Continue to review procedures to ensure minimal impact from loss.
Loss of Admin staff due to

death, sudden/

longer term illness,

incapacity or


Ensure rolling program is up to date and all key tasks are listed.


Access to log ins and passwords is available.


Having others trained or acquainted with the duties.

Clerk to be informed who will report to the Council.


In the event of an accident at work the Clerk to inform the next of kin, HSE and insurance company


Clerk to arrange appropriate cover.


Clerk to ensure support available for other staff.


Start recruitment procedures to seek replacements. Continue to review procedures to ensure minimal impact from loss..



Loss of Operations staff due to

death, sudden/

longer term illness,

incapacity or


Ensure risk assessments and method statements are in place.

Ensure appropriate PPE and training is provided and up to date.

Ensure rolling program is up to date and all key tasks are listed.


Having others trained or acquainted with the duties


Clerk to be informed who will report to the Council.


In the event of an accident at work the Clerk to inform the next of kin, HSE and insurance company


Clerk to arrange appropriate cover, maybe in the form of a contractor.


Clerk to ensure support available for other staff.


Start recruitment procedures to seek replacements. Continue to review procedures to ensure minimal impact from loss.
Loss of Councillors causing Council to be inquorate Ensure co-option policy is up-to-date Clerk to inform remaining Councillors, Returning Officer & employees of the Council.


Returning Officer to decide on temporary working strategy for Council business to be maintained followed by the instigation of a by election or co-option procedure


Continue to review procedures to ensure minimal impact from loss.
Loss of Council

documents due to fire, flood

or other causes

Provide secure storage of paper documents.


Scanned documents to be kept wherever possible.



Assess damage/loss and access electronic copies if available.


Clerk to inform Council,

insurance company and police if necessary.

Council to discuss at next meeting. Continue to review procedures to ensure minimal impact from loss.



Loss of Council electronic data All electronic files kept in the “cloud”.


Ensure regular backup is carried out by use of separate drives kept in fireproof safe.


Assess damage/loss and access to back up copies if available.


Clerk to inform Council,

insurance company and police if necessary.

Review procedures to ensure procedures are in place and to research improvements to system Continue to review procedures to ensure minimal impact from loss
Loss of Council equipment including phone lines and internet Key staff to be supplied with  mobile phones.


Ensure virus software up to date.


Ensure online data protected by robust passwords which are regularly updated.


Purchase of surge protected equipment.


Report theft to police and insurance company.


Divert calls to mobile phone.


Use mobile phone “hot spot” to connect to internet.


Office staff to work from home if necessary.

Clerk to replace in accordance with

current financial regulations.

Continue to review procedures to ensure minimal impact from loss.
Loss of utility services. Regular service and maintenance of equipment inc. boilers, electrical systems etc.

All admin staff to have equipment to facilitate working from home.

Clerk to assess issue and liaise with the provider.

Clerk to confirm if building needs to close and if so working arrangements for staff.

If the building closes update Social Media.

Clerk to inform the Chairman and Vice-Chairman.

Clerk to advice insurance company if necessary.

If practical, one person to remain on site.


Working from home policy to be instigated.


Continue to review procedures to ensure minimal impact from loss



Damage to Brannel Room building including council office Maintain adequate insurance cover.


Carry out regular risk assessments.


Regular maintenance of building.


Terms & conditions of hire in place.

Evacuate building if necessary.

Clerk to confirm if building needs to close.

Clerk to inform the Chairman and Vice-Chairman.

Clerk to ensure the building is secure.

Clerk to arrange for any affected hirers to be informed.

Social Media to be updated advising residents of closure


Clerk to inform insurance company.


Use alternative premises for administrative work or admin team to work from home.


Working from home policy to be instigated.

Assist affected hirers to find alternative premises if possible.


Continue to review procedures to ensure minimal impact from loss



Damage to Operations buildings Maintain adequate insurance cover.


Carry out regular risk assessment.

Operations Manager to assess the damage and close if necessary.

Operations Manager to inform the Clerk.

Clerk to inform the insurance company if necessary.

Operations Manager to make sure the building is secure.


Use alternative premises Until building able to be used once again. Continue to review procedures to ensure minimal impact from loss
Loss of Operations Maintenance equipment due to theft, fault or breakdown Tools and equipment are not to be left unattended or unsecured.

Maintain adequate insurance cover.


Ensure regular maintenance carried out.

Operations Manager to be informed of any loss, damage or theft.

Operations Manager to arrange for hire of equipment if required urgently.

Operations Manager to inform the Clerk.

Clerk to report theft to police and insurance company.


Arrange purchase of new equipment within current financial regulations. Continue to review procedures to ensure minimal impact from loss
Local Disaster Maintain adequate insurance cover.


Have Community Emergency Plan (CEP) in place and available.


Clerk to contact emergency services.


Clerk to activate CEP.

Clerk to call extraordinary meeting to discuss if any action required. Continue to review procedures to ensure minimal impact from loss
Adverse weather conditions. Adverse weather policy in place.



Clerk to update the website and social media to advise residents that the parish office, Brannel Room and cemeteries may be closed.


Staff to contact the Clerk if they are unable to get to work.


Clerk to advise the Chairman of the situation.


Clerk to carry out any urgent work. Continue to review procedures to ensure minimal impact

Other Information

  • Keys and entry codes to Brannel Room building to be held by Cllr Richard Parker.
  • Safe code to be held by Chairman.
  • Bank and insurance details to be held by Chairman of Finance & Policy Committee.

Contact details for Clerk, Assistant Clerk and their next of kin to be held by Chairman

[1] Adopted by Full Council at the meeting held on Wednesday 6th December 2023 under minute number FPC265/23. Due for review in 2026.