TOR – Human Resources Committee

Terms of Reference 2024/25 Human Resources Committee (HR)

(A pdf copy of this policy is available for download here.)

St Stephen in Brannel Parish Council has appointed several Committees to undertake work for and on behalf of the Council. The Committees will abide by the criteria detailed in the Council’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.

This Terms of Reference document sets out the specific responsibilities of the Human Resources Committee and confirms the following:

Remit:                         Staff recruitment, grievance, appraisal, sickness, annual leave, training, employment policies, health & safety and welfare matters and to work within the delegated allocated budget.

Composition:             Seven (7) Elected members (Voting)

Two (2) Substitute members (Voting)

Councillors appointed to the HR Committee must be willing to commit to undertake employment law training as soon as they are elected to the committee.  The Council recognizes that a stable membership of the committee is desirable and as such membership of the committee should be seen as a long-term commitment.

A member will may not be eligible for nomination to the committee if they have been the subject of an upheld grievance or finding of a breach of the Code of Conduct by or relating to a member of staff during the previous 12 months.

Non Members:          All Councillors not elected to the Human Resources Committee may attend public sessions and, at the discretion of the Chairman, participate in the meeting but have no voting rights.

Quorum:                    Three (3) members

Chairmanship:          Chairman and Vice-Chairman to be elected by the members at the first committee meeting held in each Council year.

Meetings:                   4 times a year (Quarterly).  In the event of an item of urgency, an extra ordinary meeting can be called in line with legislation and Council’s adopted standing orders.

Members of the HR Committee are advised to refrain from taking notes when in confidential session and to refer to the provided reports.

Timing:                       7.00pm

Venue:                       The Brannel Room, 22 Fore Street, St Stephen, PL26 7NN

Reports to:                 Full Council.

Administration:         Parish Council Office

Term of  Appointment:            1 year with a 4-year commitment

Legal Reference:[1]    Data Protection Act 2018

Parental Bereavement Leave & Pay Act 2018

General Data Protection Regulations 2018

Immigration Act 2016

Adopted Code of Conduct 2012

Adopted Standing Orders

Adopted Financial Regulations

Working Time Directive 2015

National Minimum Wage Regulations 2015

Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 2014

Localism Act 2011

Additional Paternity Leave Regulations 2010

Equalities Act 2010

Pensions Act 2008

Income Tax Act 2007

Work & Families Act 2006

Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (TUPE) Regulations 2006

Information & Consultation of Employees Regulations 2004

Local Government Act 2003

Paternity & Adoption Leave Regulations 2002

Employment Act 2002

Maternity & Parental Leave etc Regulations 1999

Human Rights Act 1998

Working Time Regulations 1998

National Minimum Wage Act 1998

Employment Rights Act 1996

Nolan Principles of Life 1995

Health & Safety at Work Act 1974

Local Government Act 1972

Public Bodies (Admissions to meetings) Act 1960

Relevant case law

Terms of Reference including delegated matters:

Personnel & Staffing

  • To appoint, from its membership, a recruitment panel when necessary to work with the Clerk and recommend appointments to Council.
  • To appoint, from its membership, an employment appeals panel when necessary.
  • To assist the Clerk in overseeing any process leading to dismissal of staff (including redundancy).

For allegations of misconduct relating to the Clerk, to appoint an appropriate investigating officer, who could be an external adviser and, take any recommended actions following procedures in line with the Councils Disciplinary Policy.

  • To deal with grievances relating to the Clerk in line with the Councils Grievance policy.
  • To biennially review staffing structures and levels to make recommendations to Council.
  • To biennially review and agree contracts of employment, job descriptions and person specifications for all staff.
  • To annually review all staff salaries and make recommendations to Council.
  • To regually review all staffing policies and procedures.
  • Review staff pension arrangements biennially.
  • Manage long term sickness and incidents at work in line with the Council’s Absence Management Policy.
  • Ensure that the Clerk has everything required for managing staff.
  • Be aware of sources of expert advice on employment matters and to ensure that the Council uses such sources when there is any doubt about good employment practice.
  • Undertake training support their role as the Council’s HR Committee
  • To consider and submit to the Finance & Policy Committee annual estimates of income & expenditure on the continuing services and capital expenditure for the forthcoming year.
  •  To consider the recommendations of sub-committees or working (Advisory) groups under the control of the Human Resources Committee.
  • To consider such matters as may by delegated by Full Council from time to time.
  • To review from time-to-time policy objectives within the committees Terms of Reference for consideration by Full Council.
  • To review strategic plan objectives, on a yearly basis, providing an update to Full Parish Council.


  • Ensure that all staff, including the Clerk, have an annual appraisal in line with the Appraisal policy


  • Deal with any staff disciplinary matter in accordance with the Council’s Disciplinary Procedure.
  • Deal with any staff grievance in accordance with the Council’s Grievance Procedure.

 Health & Safety

  • To consider and implement any changes which are required to comply with Employment Law, Health & Safety Law and Terms & Conditions of Service as laid by the National Joint Council (NJC) and recommended by National Association of Local Councils (NALC) and Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC).
  • Approve requests within the training budget for personal development and health & safety requirements.
  • To implement the necessary requirements identified by the Health & Safety competent person.

Note: Any resolution made outside these Terms of Reference may be considered ultra vires and open to challenge in a Court of Law.

[1] Note: This list is not exhaustive

[1] Adopted by Full Council at the meeting held on Wednesday 12th November 2024 under minute number FPC244/24.